February 27, 2013

Welcome to Path2Awesome!

Hey all! Thanks for visiting our blog! This is part of our challenge to live better stories and make our lives an adventure. We start by doing small things each week that help us serve others, create something of worth, or have meaningful experiences.

Meaningful things can include anything from making time for family to sharing a smile with a stranger to creating a work of art. It's not always the big things that change lives--like Robert Brault said, “Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.”

Each week we're going to post updates of things we've done--big or small--and we encourage you to do the same. Visit our Trail Guide page to see what inspired us to live a better story and share what you love. For more on what we think a great story is, visit the About Us page.

Are you ready to join us on our adventure? Visit our Share Your Story page and get to it!