Trail Guide

There are many fantastic individuals in history and in the world today who are living fantastic stories, who are taking the path that leads to awesome. One thing common among them all is that they had something to inspire them and guide them on their journey.

It's true--sometimes living an adventure can be hard or scary or way different than expected. That's normal.  Just like the people already on their path to awesome, we've got to find someone or something that can inspire us and guide us on your journey. Here's a couple of our favorites to get you started.

First up, a pep talk from Kid President to you. And by the way, this is where we got our name. ;)
"We were made to be awesome." What more can we say? It's in us to change the world. Now it's time to get out there and do it. 

Here's the perfect guide to help you get out there and do it: A Million Miles in a Thousand Years by Donald Miller. You can find it at Amazon here, or check it out from the library. His hilarious stories are told in a way that inspires you to be the best you can be and shows the power of living a better story. 
"If you watched a movie about a guy who wanted a Volvo and worked for years to get it, you wouldn't cry at the end when he drove off the lot, testing the windshield wipers....Truth is, you wouldn't remember that movie a week later, except you'd feel robbed and want your money back. Nobody cries at the end of a movie about a guy who wants a Volvo.
But we spend years actually living those stories, and expect our lives to feel meaningful. The truth is, if what we choose to do with our lives won't make a story meaningful, it won't make a life meaningful either." -Donald Miller

These are two out of hundreds of great resources out there. What inspires you? Comment below!


  1. I am really inspired by a lot of things
    (1) I am really inspired by the New Testament. Jesus is so awesome. There is no better way to put that. I am really inspired by all of the things that he did for us. It's just...Awesome :)
    (2) I am really inspired by good literature. There is a lot of bad stuff out there but you can find good stuff really easily. I recently finished a book about this girl who has this disease that makes her not able to talk or walk or anything, but she still has a genius brain. It is so awesome to go out and find amazing life changing stories like that.
    (3) I am inspired by good music. When I was 6 I wanted to be a composer of classical music. That dream was discouraged by grandpa (ironically the only person who liked classical music, but always the practical one) who said the best I'd ever be was a burger-flipper at McDonalds. Ouch.
    (4) I am inspired by my school. My school is so wonderful and amazing and I love learning from it
    (5) I am inspired by my family. They are such awesome people IT'S NOT EVEN FUNNY (well it is sometimes but still)
    Inspiration is all around us. We just need to look for it.

  2. I like to make others smile. For instance, yesterday when I was at Costco with my mom and a couple of friends, we started dancing to the music coming from the loud speakers by the TV's. A man came up to us and said that that was the best thing he had seen all day. He said we made his day.

    1. me too! one time, I was visiting my friends who lived in Honduras(now they live in Ecuador), and I went to a class to learn Spanish. All the people there spoke Spanish as their first language, and they were not allowed to speak English(by rule of the class), except for the teacher. The idea was that I would pick up the Spanish language by being immersed in a classroom of middle-schoolers speaking nothing but Spanish. Needless to say, I learned the Spanish language perfectly during the 3 weeks I attended class..... NOT! I would have flunked if they gave a grade... But I had fun! (now this is the part that relates to making others smile) one day, I noticed that the entire classroom atmosphere was sad, so I decided that I was going to cheer everyone up. I gave myself a challenge, make at least 5 people in my class of 10(including me) smile, before the hour-long class was up. The first thing I did was I started to smile. Just smiling makes people fill happy, and it worked! I smiled at the girl who was giving a presentation(she looked scared and nervous), and she started to smile! Then, one of the kids started to smile when he saw her smile. Then, other kids began to simultaneously smile! It was the most awesomest thing ever! By the end of the class, I got all 10 people to smile! I far exceeded my goal, and I felt totally invigorated and happy. And that is what I wanted to share. The end.

  3. I think that one of my main sources is sound and sight. Music is a big thing for me. It can change your emotion from being sad to happy or from happy to sad, it can inspire you to make a change in the world big or small. Sight is another big thing in the way the seeing the world from different perspectives is what separates us. If we all saw the world the same then all of the marvelous inventions of the ages might never happened. When we see a flaw we want to find a way to fix it. If we all saw the same flaws than Thomas Edison might never have created the light bulb. No one had ever tried to make artificial light, because they never saw darkness as something that was worth fixing.
