June 14, 2013

We Live Unbound

Hey there everyone! Hope your summer is going awesome! We have a really cool challenge we're cooking up and hopefully we'll get some guest posts up soon. :)

We have something we want to share with you. :) Ladies and gents....

(go ahead and click on this picture to visit their website and be changed forever)

Sanneke discovered Live Unbound a while ago and shared it with me (Wesleigh). I think we both fell in love with it instantly. 

Live Unbound is seriously one of the coolest things ever. Here, watch this video....

Pretty amazing, huh? And while you're at it, like their FaceBook page, subscribe to their YouTube channel and continue to be inspired. :D

Here's what Live Unbound means to us. 
Wesleigh: Live Unbound. What does it mean to live unbound? To me, live unbound means to live unbound to fear, circumstances, limitations, unbound to our own self doubts. When I think of living unbound, I think of someone that overcomes obstacles to achieve their dreams. But not just their dreams, but they overcome everyday obstacles to get the most out of life. To live a meaningful life. 

I'd like you to read this. Not just skim over it, but really read it. 

"To reach the unreachable"......"to discover what we are truly capable of."

Live unbound to me means that I have in me, the potential to achieve great things, and so do you. I can reach the unreachable. I am discovering what I am truly capable of. I live unbound. 

Sanneke: Live Unbound...that phrase holds a lot of meaning. I encourage all of you to find out what it means for you, but for me it has a meaning that goes a little deeper than just learning to find adventure. In all honesty, I would love love LOVE to have the time and means to jump off a cliff in a squirrel suit or learn to surf or try skydiving! But for now, the path that I've chosen isn't headed in quite that direction. So can I still live unbound? I think so.

Consider the phrase from the video "We fight to live unbound. Unbound from our debilitating thoughts: I can't, it's too risky, I'm afraid, that's impossible...Instead, we follow our intuition, even when it guides us off the well paved path, into the unknown."

I have a sticky note on the back of my bedroom door. It says one simple sentence: I live unbound. For me that means having true personal freedom. Whenever one of those debilitating thoughts enters my mind I recognize it for what it is: a limitation for becoming the best me, and shut it down. No matter if it is a negative thought about a sibling, a fear or doubt about the future or a justification for settling for mediocrity, it's not worth it. It truly isn't worth my time and energy. And since I have started to live each day in a way that allows me to move forward without constant uncertainty and fear about the unknown, things have really started happening. Years and months ago I thought "That looks really cool! Maybe one day I'll try it." Now starting a company, hosting a shoe drive, learning ukulele and more are realities. I could do these all along, but fear held me back. No more.

Sure, my path isn't quite as exciting as white-water rafting or climbing a mountain, but it's meaningful. And because I live unbound, I have the courage to pursue it. There's no doubt in my mind that you guys can all have the same freedom from living unbound, so I encourage you to try it out for yourself! 

Get out there and live unbound! Thanks for reading :)