May 29, 2013

Thank You!

Path2awesome is about to hit its 3-month milestone! Yay! We're amazed at how far this blog has been able to reach in this short time. So far we have over 35 followers and 3400 pageviews from people around the world and counting.

Since our first blog post on February 27th we've taken a fun journey, learning how we can live better, more meaningful lives in different ways. We've laughed and smiled at the stories you guys send in. They make our day! Each of you have something amazing to share, and to thank you for making this blog what it is today we've got a little video for you. Enjoy!

Summer is right around the corner, and we're excited to get adventuring! Keep your eye out for some fun summer posts!

May 2, 2013

The Power of Opposition | Guest Post By Casey

How do we enjoy things in life? What is it which makes us happy?

Let's say we live in a world where everything was good. Nothing bad ever happens. It's the perfect temperature, nothing dies, there is no shortage of food, everyone gets along, and nothing causes pain. Life just goes on.

Do you think that would be enjoyable? How happy would you be?

I, for one, would be extremely bored.

Why would I not be content with things in these circumstances? Because there wouldn't really be any happiness in that world for me. Before I can know that it is a good thing for it to be my perfect temperature it has to be something other than that. Before I can know the value of life something has to die. Before I can know how nice it is to have my wonderful fridge stuffed full of food I have to experience part of that pain which comes from not having food. Before I can enjoy the beauty of a harmonious home I need to know how contention feels. Before I can really love the softness of an object it needs to be contrasted with something coarse. I need to know both sides. Luckily—in my own opinion--, for everyone, this life, without us even having to ask, provides both.

With opposition in all things we can truly begin to feel that word "love". But, I believe that life doesn't stop at "Ok, I've felt the prickliness of an evergreen tree and I’m good for the rest of my life." One of the enduring characteristics of man is that if we don’t either remind ourselves or become reminded by life then we will surely forget. Along with that, if we aren't brought to a higher plane of pain then how can we know a higher level of joy?

I would state that because of opposition to that which is good we can truly know by how we feel what is good. We understand from life—and no one teaches better than life. Because I have been sick, I realize and love my health.

So, a human's story is a struggle for peace, love and joy. Life will inevitably provide that which will give the contrasting emotions. There is nothing more wonderful than a human struggling through life, learning, becoming better and working through it all and finding that love, peace and joy. Why? Because it wasn't easy, in fact, it was probably the hardest journey they have ever undergone.

Life was never intended to be easy or fair.

Ok, now we are past the doom and gloom. The beauty is that we are given the knowledge in our lives through living life and by that we can live to be better. We will all make mistakes. But that is how we learn best. We make mistakes just in the same way a child learning to walk falls down. Do we scold the child for falling? No, we cheer it on for its learning and persistence to the task. As we struggle in our uphill battles we can overcome that which is the hardest thing for us. We can do it. The limitations set by man are not his own—from birth the thing which constantly goes through a free child’s mind is the simple but powerful two words "I can"—but those restrictions as to what we can do are given by those who are around us, those who think with their years and from their own inflicted limitations that they can limit you from greatness. I'm one of those people who just doesn't like to be told what to do. When people say "You can't" I relish the moment when I show them "I can".

You are better than that. Toss out the limitations. Limitations to you are but dirty coins in your fountain of hope that need not be there and those coins will not leave unless you toss them out yourself or some kindly person comes by and shows you that they care and helps you remove them. Toss them out. There are times when one can give you a coin into your hand that is clean and good and you can use it for your own advantage, but don't limit yourself by not attempting because others say it's impossible. There is a point to sand back and to say "Ya, I probably can't jump off this cliff and fly and if they end up being right I might as well try over water rather than these jagged rocks." There is a time to be smart and know physical limitations. But, many a time, we cannot know those limits till we push them. The Wright brothers ended up flying. If you think about it at one point the things that we today have accomplished from experiment and
using what is around us we have accomplished many things that once upon an earlier time where known as "impossible".

The pains you endure help you mature, life isn't fair though man tries to make it so, and don't limit, degrade or belittle yourself because of what others may think. You can do hard things.

My message is simple. Enjoy life as it comes. Accept that which is difficult and show life that despite its hardships there is something that strives for good within you that is untamable. Don't wait another second, get out and make life better. Don't sit around waiting for someone else to come in and fix things for you. It has to start with you. Change your perspective and then the world will look different. If you have regrets find peace with them, if you have sorrow accept, realize it, know it, and learn from it, if you are reaching the end of your rope then go out kicking and unbroken. We'd all be quite surprised if we realized how much power we truly had.

In the end your accomplishments aren't your parents, the person who told you that you could not or anyone else's but yours.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat."~Theodore Roosevelt

Dare to be great. Be thankful that you know what sadness is because therein lies the ability to do great and to love.

As I sat there sick and in tears,

Thought, twas lovely to think of the years,

Of life here on earth so far I've trekked through,

Life is beautiful, oh so beautiful, this much I knew.

I've been on earth for my share of time,

I've had my terror and I've had the sublime.

But I feel sorry for those who when in agony,

Are angry, mad, and do not see pains true beauty.

"Why me!" they exclaim in their sorry, self pity.

'Tis true that a soft feather is nice,

'Tis pleasant to have the flavor of spice,

The lovely views on earth are good to see,

The plants, the trees, the earth, the sea.

But the one thing that people miss at such a loss,

A fact that before so many minds have not crossed,

That after the years of tears and heartaches endured,

Then we humans are better strengthened are more matured.

I guess what I'm getting at is to be thankful of the pain,

Because without our broken feelings we could never gain.

Nothing can be known without its bitter opposition.

To not ever feel--we'd find ourselves in lost condition.

So here I lay, my body in sickly distressed,

Tightened and sore and really quite stressed,

I move to my knees in much pain,

I bow my head though I wane.

And I offer thanks for that which I feel,

I am grateful I can endure this ordeal.

For this sickness that doth cause me pain,

Shows me how dear my world is again.



Bio Blurb
I love life, I love slacklining and one hope to highline in the sky. I enjoy philosophy, government,
politics, psychology, the great outdoors, hiking, backpacking, camping under the stars (who needs a
tent?), serving, and trying new things.