Share Your Story

This project is meant to inspire everybody everywhere to live better stories. If you've done something to create a memorable moment this week and would like to share it on the blog, we'd love to hear it!

Don't forget that a memorable moment can be as small as spending time with family. Often the very most special things in life are the moments that aren't planned, but happen anyway--the times when you put down your phone to read to a child, run through a field on a sunny day or laugh with friends.

Send us an e-mail at with your story or adventure and we'll publish it as soon as we can.

Don't forget to share this blog on Facebook, Google+, through e-mail and whatever else you use to share what inspires you!


  1. my brother really wanted to play my wii so i taught him how to bowl on wii sports! it was tough! he is only 4. when i wasn't patient and yelled at him. he didn't do well. but when i was patient and encouraged him he did better! now i know when serving others, being a leader, or teaching others, you must be patient!

  2. Well I guess a memorable moment would be the first time my brother and I went to a ski resort for the first time. I was sore the next day as was my brother but it was worth it. I improved quickly on the snowboard and did okay even though we were only on the bunny run.

    1. yes skiing is really fun! although I haven't used a snowboard yet. :(

  3. So I tried sending this through email, but it sent it back, so I'm not sure what is wrong the email address... Just thought you should know! :)

    Hey guys! So first, I want to tell you guys that you are awesome and I am SUPER excited for this blog! Like, you have no idea :D

    My Story:
    So lately I have been feeling kind of, blah. There really is no other way to describe it. I have just been lazy, I haven’t wanted to do much of anything and I didn’t know how to fix it. So the other day I was reading through your blog and just checking it out, and it really inspired me. I realized that, I need to make the most out of my life and that if I make myself doing things like being more involved with my family or something simple like that it could help me a lot. So yesterday (Thursday) my little sister was having a really hard time with her math. She was just not getting it. And she started to get really frustrated and upset. She didn’t want to continue. So I sat her on the couch next to me and I helped her work it out, and just seeing how much that helped her and seeing the light in her eyes when she finally understood it, it was all worth the time that I took out of my own day to just stop and help her. Through this little act of service and kindness I was able to help my sister be happier and understand and also, it made me happier. So I have made a goal for myself that I am going to stop and help at least one person every day who is struggling. Just to show them that I care for and love them.
    ~Rebecca Barnes

  4. I have found that I have been very snappy lately. Snappy and just..... okay you get the picture. But not just feeling glum in one area of my life I was glum in spiritual, physical and emotional. A little bit of a pattern was that I wasn't eating. If I ate it wasn't on time. I was also staying up later than I should've been. So I started fixing it. I have started drinking at least 8 cups of water a day, eating well balanced and on schedule meals, and going to bed early. It is amazing the difference. I am more effective when doing schoolwork and more kind when dealing with others. Not only did it help me physically but mentally and spiritually as well. One of my parents told me how sometimes elite athletes will get a little depressed when their performance level goes down. When they went to counseling the counselor would notice that in most cases, this drop in physical performance was caused by a lack of use and involvement with other areas of their life, like mental and spiritual. I think it's this way because living a well-balanced life, a life where you focus pretty evenly on all these areas, can keep you from burning out. Sometimes we can go and go and go without noticing that we are getting burned out. The quality of energy that goes into the time we spend goes down. Another little story, the army had to groups of soldiers and they did a test to see which group could hit the most targets with their big artillery in three days. The first group was told to fire as many rounds as they could, to keep firing and firing. To the second group, they said; take break and small naps in between firing. On the first day group one was in the lead but on day two their accuracy was going down badly and group two caught the lead. Their accuracy didn't go down as much.

    Have you ever noticed how sometimes you'll be in a fight with someone and it will seem super important and when it's over you'll realize how useless and strange the argument was. Then you wonder why you spent so much time arguing. I've done it before. It's a little like staring intently at the ground while walking. If you don't look up every once in a while it's hard to keep walking in a straight line. If you don't look up for a long time you'll find yourself heading the complete wrong direction. It's better to look up sooner than later. When I get super intent and overly focused on an argument or a single area of my life "looking up" or working on another area can get you to see that you’re heading in the wrong direction. Taking breaks to focus on other areas of life really serves as a wake-up call for me it helps me to look up earlier rather than later.

  5. It's a little long but here it is!

    I have found that I have been very snappy lately. Snappy and just..... okay you get the picture. But not just feeling glum in one area of my life I was glum in spiritual, physical and emotional. A little bit of a pattern was that I wasn't eating. If I ate it wasn't on time. I was also staying up later than I should've been. So I started fixing it. I have started drinking at least 8 cups of water a day, eating well balanced and on schedule meals, and going to bed early. It is amazing the difference. I am more effective when doing schoolwork and more kind when dealing with others. Not only did it help me physically but mentally and spiritually as well. One of my parents told me how sometimes elite athletes will get a little depressed when their performance level goes down. When they went to counseling the counselor would notice that in most cases, this drop in physical performance was caused by a lack of use and involvement with other areas of their life, like mental and spiritual. I think it's this way because living a well-balanced life, a life where you focus pretty evenly on all these areas, can keep you from burning out. Sometimes we can go and go and go without noticing that we are getting burned out. The quality of energy that goes into the time we spend goes down. Another little story, the army had to groups of soldiers and they did a test to see which group could hit the most targets with their big artillery in three days. The first group was told to fire as many rounds as they could, to keep firing and firing. To the second group, they said; take break and small naps in between firing. On the first day group one was in the lead but on day two their accuracy was going down badly and group two caught the lead. Their accuracy didn't go down as much.

    Have you ever noticed how sometimes you'll be in a fight with someone and it will seem super important and when it's over you'll realize how useless and strange the argument was. Then you wonder why you spent so much time arguing. I've done it before. It's a little like staring intently at the ground while walking. If you don't look up every once in a while it's hard to keep walking in a straight line. If you don't look up for a long time you'll find yourself heading the complete wrong direction. It's better to look up sooner than later. When I get super intent and overly focused on an argument or a single area of my life "looking up" or working on another area can get you to see that you’re heading in the wrong direction. Taking breaks to focus on other areas of life really serves as a wake-up call for me it helps me to look up earlier rather than later.

  6. Today, I took the time to help my little brother write two words, even though I was in the middle of an online class. It only took a few minutes.

    I also have tried to use my time better today. It's been a struggle at times, but I've done a lot better so far!

  7. My little sister Rebekah was born 8 days ago, and I was really excited! Sadly, I got way behind on schoolwork because I was always volunteering to feed her or change her diaper, and it was taking all my time. Then, I realized that if I didn't daydream a lot(I LOVE daydreaming), I would be able to do it all! Now, even though I miss daydreaming, I am ahead in my schoolwork and really pleased with my progress. I can take care of my sister AND stay caught up in school!

    You guys should realize that in order to take care of all your responsibilities, we need to take away the distracting 'berries' on our PATH 2 AWESOMENESS. WE CAN ALL BE AWESOME!

  8. I went and auditioned for my high school choir today! I haven't done a public school choir ever, and I want to get some more experience with singing.

    A year ago I was really against doing anything public schooled, but now I'm more open to it. I'm really excited, and have been called to call backs. :) Yay!
