April 3, 2013

This is Life, People! | Guest Post by Tim Erickson

"This is life, people! You've got air coming through your nose! A heart beatin! That means it's time to DO something!"- Kid President  

I realized not too long ago that life may seem pretty complicated, but really- it's simple. Open your eyes. Here's the deal: you're a person. you get a max of 100 years to live in this beautiful reality. We live on a tiny yet enormous hunk of rock hurtling through space, a miniscule oasis amid the beautiful cosmos. (if you have a moment, check out this link and try to wrap your head around the size of this wonderful place: http://scaleofuniverse.com/ ) My friends, we live in a beautiful place. A place called the universe. This place, this place is flippin awesome. Open your eyes and see everything around you as if you were seeing it for the first time. Look at the clouds, at the sky, at the trees, at the dirt. Life is a miracle, people. Life is AWESOME. And you know what is the most awesome part about it? People. People like you and me. Members of a giant human family. People are awesome. And you know why? Cause we can choose to be awesome. 

Time. Take a moment and reflect on it. The past, it's gone. Let it go. It's gone. Let it go. But learn from it. In it lie the beginnings of most of what happens in this moment. The future. It hasn't happened yet. We can't control it. It's out of our control. There are too many unknown factors affecting it- the only thing we can do is plan prudently and work as hard as we can for a better tomorrow- a better life. All we can do is act in the now. Now. This moment. Every moment is a new one, a fresh start. Like a new day, but smaller and deeper. Act now to do what you need to do. Tomorrow could be one day too late. 

Life, it's a collection of those moments. Those nows. What you do in this now, the choices you make right now. The choices you make RIGHT NOW, from the infinitude of the available choices, those choices will affect the rest of your minute, the rest of your hour, the rest of your day, the rest of your life. 

Helen Keller wrote, "Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing." Have an adventure, don't just sit in nothingness. Every moment you decide whether you're gonna be awesome or whether you're gonna just float in mediocrity. Mediocrity is easy. Not being awesome is easy, you just sit there. It might even be fun to be mediocre, to just relax. But being awesome and great, it takes work. It hurts. So why do it? Cause, the goodness outweighs the cost. Being awesome is worth it. Don't just sit there in thoughtless stupor on your computer. Be awesome, it's better than a "like" on facebook- I guarantee it. Do awesome things. Think Different. You've got a life, you've got choices. Make a difference. Impossible? Impossible, it's nothing. Learn something new. Meet someone new. Try looking at things from another person's point of view. Encourage someone to be awesome. Try harder to be great than you've ever tried before, why not? Help other people. Pay it forward. Every moment is a new chance to be better. Be awesome. 


Bio blurb: 
Tim is a dreamer, a swimmer, a slackline-addict, and a doer. He has awesome friends, likes astronomy, and loves life--and lives it to the fullest. His passion for life, making every day count, and being great has lead him far down the path of being the awesome adventurer he was born to become. Contact Tim by emailing him at timothyedwintee@gmail.com. 


  1. Awesome post, Time! I like your writing style. :)
    Also, I think that "scale of the universe" site 'sploded my brain.
    Anyhow. Great post! Rock on. :)
    ~Munk (Chip)

  2. Tim. You never cease to amaze. I'm glad I stalked you and we became friends. ;) Make sure you take the llama out on walks every once in awhile.

    <3 Simmy and said llama

  3. Wow! Tim, that scale of the universe website was absolutely astounding. It's amazing how much we know about it and how much there is yet to know. Oh man, I am just pretty much exploding with epiphanies right now. This place is amazing. And so are you! Thanks for sharing those amazing thoughts! Life really is an adventure. :D

  4. I love this. :) Tim, you are amazing! Life really is an adventure and this world we live in.....I am constantly blown away by it. You're awesome! Thanks so much for this! :)
