March 24, 2013

Smelling Like Compost and Feeling Alive

Hello, dear ones.

This week was my spring break, and wow, it was something. Can I tell you about it?

Last weekend my uncle Danny brought his two little boys to my house to visit (they live three hours away and we don't get to see them very much). Their stay was wonderful--I love being with my family.

On Friday morning, Mom and I casually sat in the bathroom while she put her makeup on, and we talked about Summertime by the way, this is much cheaper than therapy but equally effective. We discussed potential adventure opportunities for 2013 and how they would work, and it made me so hopeful. But despite my hope, I let out a sigh and said, "I have zero dollars and no job. What can I do to make it happen?"

"Pack your bags, drive back home with Danny tomorrow and work for Grandpa this week. That's a start."

And that, my friends, is how I ended up spending my spring break shoveling mushroom/manure compost. And I wouldn't change a thing about it.

It was LIBERATING. I had time to be alone with my work and ponder my life, and there was also time for my cousin Lilly to sit with me and we would laugh together. Laughter really is the best medicine, people. It reminds us that we're human and that life does have its perfect little moments. Every job I did required muscle work and focus, making the days somewhat meditative and very rewarding. I was in the outdoors, breathing the fresh air (er, as fresh as it could be with the lingering smell of compost, but I got used to it), and at night, I could look up and see the infinite; the stars were not afraid to shine there.

Turns out, working for adventure ended up being, well, a little adventure. Because fortunately and unfortunately most of the work I do looks like this:

But this week was different and I'm so grateful for it.

Now I'm home, sunburned, sore, exhausted, and a little sick. But you know what? It's the best feeling ever. Because I helped my family, I helped myself, and I feel alive and rewarded for it. I hope we can take the time to get more hands-on in our lives; it really is, well, awesome. In the truest meaning of the word.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Julia!! I love this sooooooooo very much! It's so true how laughter can change everything! And oh my, I just love this. Let's go adventuring together, okay?
    <3 your guts girly!

    <3 Wes

  3. That does sound awesome! :) I love reading your posts, Julia: they tend to remind me that normal life is beautiful, even when it is...normal life... but yeah. Rock on! :)
