October 24, 2013

What Makes a Hero?

Chances are, you've heard about what makes a hero before. Joseph Campbell's idea of the hero cycle has spread far and wide since he published A Hero With a Thousand Faces in 1949. Ever wondered why it's so popular? It's because it's true!

One of the key characteristics that these heroes must develop in their journey is courage. To quote the Princess Diaries movie:

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear. The brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all."

Just like Matthew Winkler said in the video, we are each human, and we each have the amazing opportunity to take our own journey through the hero cycle. No matter our circumstances, possessions, family situation, education, health or past mistakes, we can each find our courage and conquer our challenges. Courage is not something reserved for privileged people who magically have everything they need to be their best. Instead, it is something developed as we dare to step out of our comfort zone and into the unknown. Like JRR Tolkien so eloquently said, "Courage is found in unlikely places." It may not be until the end when you look back upon your journey that you realize you had courage all along. However you find your courage, trust is crucial. Trust that it will carry you through your challenges, no matter how daunting.

Now we'd like to issue a challenge! This blog was created to inspire you to live a better story and to show ways in which people everywhere are doing so. Today we challenge you to (drumroll please...) take a few minutes today to think about hero cycle and how it applies to your life. Have you received a call? Are you reluctant to accept it? Have you crossed into the unknown and now feel like you're wandering a rocky trail? Perhaps you have just undergone a transformation and are returning to the status quo. Wherever you are in your own journey--your path2awesome--think about how you can use courage to overcome your own challenges. Then get started. 

"There's no comfort in the learning zone, but there's no learning in the comfort zone!"

Did this inspire you? Visit our Share Your Story page and share how you are living with courage! And don't forget to share the blog with your friends! 

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